Monday, January 17, 2011

Independent Study

A new semester has begun, and this one brings with it an exciting new opportunity. The school's creative writing professor has agreed to do an independent study with me. The course will be on writing a novel and preparing it to submit to a publisher. She has asked me to prepare a 300-400 page manuscript by the end of the semester. This is a pretty intimidating task to someone who has only produced a fraction of that in the past, but I am excited by the opportunity, and there should be plenty to blog about.
Wish me luck.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Instructional Tech

I already had this blog when I joined the Instructional Tech class. As much as I appreciate having more followers, "Never Underestimate" is the blog I created for the class.
Heres the log:

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
Into the second decade of the millennium we go. I've been imagining the future since I was little. I usually conceive of things far in the future, but, naturally, I wonder what my life will be like in the coming years. At the beginning of this decade I was working on my very first science fiction story. It was about dinosaurs on Mars (sounds like a B-movie, I know). That New Years Eve my family went to a friend's house to watch the ball drop. The kids (which included me at the time) all decorated paper bags to pop at midnight. On mine, I drew an astronaut surrounded by stars and planets. After the countdown the kids all went out to their back porch and banged pots and pans.

At ten years old, I didn't give a whole lot of though to where I would be today. I assumed I would be in college. The idea of writing was just entering my head and I wasn't involved in theatre yet. At that point I probably still planned on being a paleontologist or an astronaut, or both (especially if they found those dinosaurs on Mars.)
So in a shameless attempt to generate some feedback- What did you do at the turn of the millenium, ten years ago? Where did you think you'd be today?

Sunday, October 18, 2009


This semester, I am enrolled in the theatrical makeup class, and so far it has been a fun experience. On Friday our assignment was to use nose and scar wax to alter something. I decided to create a bite, because it just happened that I would be attending the Morgantown Zombie Walk that night. After spending time with friends I quickly put on the makeup and left for Morgantown. Unfortunately I was running late and didn’t really know where I was going. I reached North High Street just as the walk was scheduled to begin, but had no idea where it was. I found a parking lot I recognized and walked back to North High Street, after wondering for a bit in that ridiculous makeup I found the zombie horde and joined in. I eventually met up with some friends there, and even ran into an old friend from high school who I didn’t know was attending. Unfortunately, in the chaos of trying to find my way there and participate I did not get any pictures at the walk itself. I do have pictures of my own makeup.
Final Product- latex, tissue, thick blood, stage blood
My friend Sam, who works at the Illusive Skull, after she pealed off all her latex

Zombie driver- waiting for Sam after the walk.

Peeling off the latex

Monday, September 21, 2009

Writing Class Dialogue

This semester I enrolled in a fiction writing class. I am enjoying the experience despite the fact that it starts at eight in the morning. Last week the professor gave us a quick exercise. We picked a line from a list and wrote a dialogue in under five minutes. I chose the line “That picture in hanging crooked”, and this was the result:

-That picture is hanging crooked.
-Yeah that happens in this area.
-Crooked pictures?
-Then why did you move out here?
-They say its cause of a tectonic plate, but eventually it’ll be gone.
-But why did you move here if it gets earthquakes?
-Like I said the plate will be gone eventually.
-Shouldn’t that take thousands of years… and lots of earthquakes?
-Well I don’t mind crooked pictures in the mean time.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

July 4th at Antietam

OK things have been hectic recently so I’m going to take today to catch up a bit. I have some photos and info that I’ve been meaning to post for several weeks now so I apologize if the next few posts seem outdated (pictures from July 4th).
Last month for the 4th of July my sister convinced my parents to take us all to Antietam Battlefield for a concert and fireworks. The Maryland Symphony Orchestra performed patriotic songs under a large flag, then they launched fireworks.
They did a salute to those who have served in the armed forces. They played the songs for each branch of the military and asked those who have served to stand while their song played. Dad stood up for “Anchors Aweigh”. I tried to snap a picture from where I was sitting.
He looks a bit confused.